Steve DiGioia: A Return to Customer Service After COVID-19
A Return to Customer Service After COVID-19

Everyone handles situations differently – what’s important to one may not be important to another. But at the same time, and during the “COVID era”, some go about their days as if nothing has changed. Example:
Has-been musicians pontificate while sitting in their rose petal-strewn bathtubs and tone-deaf “social media influencers” still post bikini photos for all to see. They act as if there hasn’t been a major upheaval to the lives of everyone. Well, I guess when you’re insulated to much of what the average citizen has faced over these past few months, you see nothing wrong with frolicking on the beach as you’ve done before. For the rich and famous, there is little change. But what about the rest of us?
Thankfully, we have the wonderful scientists and medical personnel to support the first stage of recovery plus identifying potential remedies and treating our neighbors with the best care possible. They will succeed – but it will take time.
Will We Ever Care About Customer Service Again?
Sure, when this is over our priorities may change. The losses suffered by some will still hurt, and the slow, lumbering climb back to normalcy will begin. Will we ever care about customer service the same way again? After all, is it really that important after what we’re going through now?
Well…yes, it is.
If there’s one thing our rebuilt society will need is compassion. The compassion we can only give to one another by the way we serve our fellow man. True service comes from caring for another’s wellbeing and putting their needs above our own. We realize this now more than ever.
I’ve spent too much time teaching and training others how to be positive and to spread their positivity to all they meet. Great service lifts others up and lightens the load of those in despair.
We have an obligation to continue with a “mindset of service”, with all the attention-to-detail, kindness, and empathy we can muster.
Some must carry the load. Will it be you? Will it be me?
I will do my part, I promise.
During the COVID recovery, instead of living in fear, our actions can be better spent by focusing on what to do to make others happy and feel appreciated. Great service – provided by dedicated employees, caring management, and leaders who keep looking toward a brighter future, will take us there.
I will not wallow in fear from this virus. No, not me. I’ll fight, fight to be ready when we get back to normal – whatever normal will be when this is over.
And, I promise to keep writing about my best service methods and sharing my tips for all to read.
Who Will Greet the Returning Customer?
When we’re ready to window shop and walk the streets of our town again, someone will need to be there to greet the returning customer. Maybe it’s you, maybe it’s me. And maybe we’ll need to be reminded of how to provide great service and the many ways we can show our customers how much they’re valued.
We’ll again need to reach down and greet the young daughter of our once-best customer. We’ll once again need to help the elderly to their car with their bags or hold an umbrella over their head when it rains. We’ll once again need to find that little comment that sparks a connection with those who enter our door and give support to our business – our family.
Great service will be needed then more than ever.
I’ve decided to keep writing – I know, I’ve already said that. And I hope you keep reading.
Please use my blog posts and those from other customer service leaders as a supplement to what you’re already doing. I know you have great ideas and can’t wait to enhance the service experience you provide. Your customers need to feel good when venturing outdoors again and you’re just the person to make that happen!
In challenging times, we fall back on what we do best. Some are planners while some fight the fight. Some lay the foundation for others while some assist from afar. Some manage the chaos while some show the way – each day.
Which one will you be?
Hug your loved ones. Call a neighbor or an old school friend. Be sensible in what we do and remember those less fortunate than us or the ones who have been lost to this crisis. It will get better, it must – it will. It will just take time.
I’m looking forward to feeling the sun on my face again.
I also looking forward to the time when we can walk among the crowds of vacation sightseers or hectic shoppers looking for the next great sale. The lines waiting to check into a hotel won’t seem as long anymore, and the talker at the movie blocker-buster won’t bother us quite as much (well, for a little time, at least).
Who will take care of these customers? It’s YOU and ME.
We’ll be ready. And we’ll be ready because we know what to do and how to do it.
I’ve reaffirmed my passion for service and will show it in all my actions. We’ll get through this.
And we’ll be better – one day at a time.
To you, my friend, I wish you peace.
Steve DiGioia is anward-winning hospitality leader, developing customer service pros and creating training curricula with a proven record of success. He helps companies improve service, increase morale and provide the experience their customers’ desire while promoting a positive team culture.