Making Net Promoter Score® your North Star Metric

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Making Net Promoter Score® your North Star Metric

Making Net Promoter Score® your North Star Metric

Businesses are actively taking steps to grow their customer base and create brand equity. To do this, they must maintain an excellent Net Promoter Score® or NPS®

Industry specialists and businesses use it as a metric to measure customer opinions on their products and services. This score indicates how businesses are delivering CX in real-time and answers if you can meet the customer’s needs.

Customer experiences and reviews speak a lot about your product and other services, ultimately acting as a testament to your brand.

Using this score as a North Star metric implies it acts as your mode of responding to your consumers, which will build brand loyalty and portfolio while showcasing your customer’s empathy towards your products.

Digital transformation has helped businesses gauge if their products and services resonate with a customer’s journey. The Net Promoter Score® benefits to navigate and help understand the gaps between your brand’s services and the customers. But how can NPS® benefit your business? Here are the benefits: 

What are the benefits of NPS®? 

Decision making

Having a good NPS® ensures that the CX levels are matching the expectations from customers. It aids marketing and customer experience management heads to take better decisions based on feedback from customers. NPS® provides feedback to industry heads and allows them to set a benchmark to check where your company ranks in the industry.

Building customer satisfaction

Customers refer your products or services further to their family and friends, which helps promote your business. Also, it enhances an organisation to increase CX by intervening and addressing the issue. A customer may like your product, but not the customer’s experience. Hence, it helps businesses mend loopholes.

Real-time feedback

Real-time feedback provided via contextual conversations is easy to understand for all employees and managers. They use it to decide the direction of the company. It also helps understand the impact of seasonal trends on CX. Thus, a business can ensure it is always keeping up with changing trends and processes.

Increasing customer loyalty

Satisfaction alone is not enough for a business to thrive. A good NPS® builds customer loyalty and empathy. Businesses can evaluate the strategic effectiveness periodically. 

Improving business processes

A good NPS® helps businesses to improve their processes. They can instil action management and address the point where business processes face a breakdown. NPS® can also act as a business portfolio and helps the investors predict the company’s prospects. 


While a good NPS® is imperative for business success, CX is uncompromised. You must look to grow the number of promoters. Use simple tools for customer-to-customer feedback and ensure positive growth for your business. NPS allows you to benchmark easily against competitors, thus striking when the iron is hot.  

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