Improving the CX of Your Business

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Improving the CX of Your Business

Improving the CX of your business

We love our customers, and we want them to stay loyal to our brand. But CX is no longer just about the “softer” side of doing business. It is well-established that an improved CX can lead to an increase in revenue by 10-15% and lower operational costs by 15-20%.1

With digital transactions at an all-time high, access to social media and the volume of data being generated, CX has become critical in the post-pandemic world.

Here are 5 ways you can improve your CX:

1. Employees are the frontrunners of your CX program

Empowered employees improve the CX of your business

If this seems counterproductive to you, think about why a customer will care about your brand if an employee, who is working for you and is intimately aware of what you stand for, does not care about you.

There is a connection between empowered employees and happy customers. If your frontline employee, who is interacting with your customer day in and day out feels that they have the backing of their managers and have the necessary protocol to follow that will allow them to serve the customer well, it’s a win-win for you.  

Your employees are in the unique position of being close to the customer. They understand their grievances better and sometimes may even have innovative solutions for them.

Points to consider:

  • Is your CX a part of your company culture? Are all your employees, right from the top management to the frontline employees invested in making your customer happy?
  • Are you listening to your employees and their ideas? Do they know that their opinions are valued?

2. Learn to read your data

There are different metrics that you can track to understand your CX. You may be thinking about what metrics you should choose to measure your CX but the point is, focussing your attention on choosing the perfect metric is meaningless if you don’t implement the insights you gain from it.

Every CX metric has its pros and cons. They measure different things. But using the data received and turning it into actionable line items is necessary for mapping the customer journey.

Points to consider:

  • Explore the possibilities of using a service that can help you collect and make sense of your data for you.
  • Unstructured data – the open-ended questions where customers make their comments – can be a gold mine for you to understand their overall experience.

3. Omnichannel is the way forward

Omnichannel experiences improve the CX of your business

For a lot of us, the online and the offline world have merged into a strange amalgamation where we may start our research online, go to a store to see how a product feels and then order the product from the brand’s website. Customer journey maps are all over the place and your CX needs to keep pace with this.

Not only does your CX experience, irrespective of how or where your customer engages with your brand – whether online, offline or through a customer care executive – need to be seamless and consistent, but it also needs to include different touchpoints.

Points to consider:

  • Understand the journey map of your customer so you can create a better touchpoint experience for them.

4. Context, conversations and personalization

In the mass of data collected, don’t forget that you’re interacting with a human being. Customers appreciate it when you have a conversation with them and not just ask them to provide feedback on their interaction with your brand.

If you can add context and personalization to a conversation – where you use what you know about the customer – the customer journey becomes smoother. It also works toward building that loyalty between brand and customer.

Points to consider:

  • Do you solve customer queries in 2 hours or 2 days? Closing the feedback loop with a customer can turn every brand-customer interaction into a positive outcome.
  • Use the history of your customer – purchases, location, etc – to personalize their experience with your brand.
  • Provide open-ended questions so you can have a conversation with your customer and learn in their own voice how their experience was.

5. Converse with everyone, not just customers

Optimise customer journeys to improve the CX of your business

While we have said that employees are the most important part of a CX program, apart from them, others also interact with the brand. For example, your vendors too can be a great source of gaining a 360-degree view of your brand.

Apart from that, there is another cadre of customers you may be missing if you deploy your surveys only at the end of a purchase cycle. While it is important to understand why a customer chose to transact with you, it is equally important to understand why a customer did not transact with you. It could help you to improve their experience and drive sales.

Point to consider:

  • Find out the different points where a customer may leave the transaction journey.

Dedicate your efforts to improving your CX by following the above simple points. But above all else, ensure that CX is not an afterthought but a critical factor whenever strategy is discussed.

Got questions? Contact us to get a detailed understanding and a demo from one of our CX experts.